Monday, November 07, 2005

Carter: Democrats Not in Mainstream on Abortion

The website of New Oxford Review contains a link to a a Washington Times story that reports that former Democratic President Jimmy Carter believes his party has gone too far with the pro-abortion agenda. The article says:

Former President Jimmy Carter yesterday condemned all abortions and chastised his party for its intolerance of candidates and nominees who oppose abortion [. . .]

"These things impact other issues on which [Mr. Bush] and I basically agree," the Georgia Democrat said. "I've never been convinced, if you let me inject my Christianity into it, that Jesus Christ would approve abortion."

Mr. Carter said his party's congressional leadership only hurts Democrats by making a rigid pro-abortion rights stand the criterion for assessing judicial nominees.

"I have always thought it was not in the mainstream of the American public to be extremely liberal on many issues," Mr. Carter said. "I think our party's leaders -- some of them -- are overemphasizing the abortion issue."

Hopefully, Jimmy Carter is someone that the left-wing democratic leadership will listen to. Pro-life democrats do exist. They have an organization called Democrats for Life. One of Tennessee's Democratic congressmen, Lincoln Davis, is pro-life. However, by and large the Democratic Party has gotten in bed with the radical pro-abortion movement, and has made that movement's agenda its own. The party doesn't even really seem to respect its own members who are pro-life. Maybe Jimmy Carter can talk some sense to the Democratic Party's out-of-touch leadership.


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