Thursday, June 28, 2007

Motu Proprio Publication Imminent

Rorate Caeli has picked up on an OFFICIAL communication from the Vatican's press office. NewCatholic at Rorate provides an English translation of the Italian:

A meeting took place yesterday afternoon at the Vatican, presided by the Cardinal Secretary of State, in which the content and the spirit of the expected "Motu proprio" of the Holy Father on the use of the Missal promulgated by John XXIII in 1962 were explained to the representatives of several episcopal conferences. The Holy Father came to greet those who were present and maintained a profound discussion with them for about one hour. The publication of the document - which will be accompanied by a thorough personal letter of the Holy Father to the singular Bishops - is predicted for within a few days, when the document itself will be sent to all Bishops with the indication of its successive coming into effect.

LOL - Viewer discrestion is advised

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* abortion (6x)
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Thursday, June 21, 2007


I guess there is nothing like politics to get me blogging again...

Rudy Giuliani is no different than John Kerry. He should not be immune from criticism of his pro-abortion stance because he is a Republican. Party affiliation makes no difference. On July 4, will launch. Stop by for a visit.

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Ron Paul!